How to Map Out Your Business Processes in Dubsado

This blog post is part of The Dubsado Blueprint: a free download to help you build out Dubsado quickly. You can grab the step-by-step guide here.

If you've followed the first few steps of the Dubsado Blueprint, you’ve got your brand settings sorted by now.

Now it’s time to write down what your processes are.

This is the first step toward building out your workflows.

How to Map Out Your Business Processes for Dubsado graphic

You’ll assemble your workflows later on. For now, you need to know what your workflows are. 

You can think of mapping out your processes as Workflows, Part 1.

Each of your services will get its own process. Every process will eventually become a workflow.

That means if you have 5 services, you will have a minimum of 5 workflow maps.

Log out of your Dubsado* account and grab a pen and paper. Write down the journey you take your clients on for each of your services.

Ready to learn more? Watch the video below:

You'll rinse and repeat the steps in the video for every service you have. Be sure to note when each step should happen.

Once you've mapped out your workflows, you'll note the documents you need to collect for each process: welcome kits, onboarding questionnaires, brochures, contracts, etc.

From there, collect those documents and put them in a file. You'll need those documents for the upcoming steps of The Dubsado Blueprint.


Best Way to Build Out Forms in Dubsado


How to Set Up Your Brand Settings Tab in Dubsado